GTAA Preferred Preferred Service Provider Benefits
GTAA Preferred Vendor Status and Endorsement
Listed on the GTAA Website with logo and link. Use of the GTAA emblem.
Blast Email to Tournament Planners
Dedicated blast email for you each month to GTAA Members.
Tournament Leads 50 to 70 per week
List of Tournament leads with contact information, email and Tour date.
An Introduction and list of Golf Tournament Consultants
A list of potential sales reps for you in major markets.
A Webinar Dedicated to You
A webinar for Tournament Planners presenting your company.
Press Release sent to Golf Media
News about your company sent to the Golf Media.
Video link on GTAA Website and our YouTube Channel
A video about your product or service.
Listed on NGSA Website for Golf Sales Reps Needed
Blast Email to Golf Sales Reps
If you are looking for salespeople.
Click Through Emails Upon Request
GTAA Full Time Consultants
Additional sales people for you. Endorsed and promoted to GTAA Full Time Golf Tournament Consultants. Special pricing offered to them allows them to sell to their clients.
Quarterly Networking Meeting with other Preferred Vendors
Meeting and discussing cross promotion with other vendors.
Flyer Distribution at the PGA Show at Consultant Meetings
Presenting you to salespeople around the country.
One-on-one Consulting and Coaching
Advise on how to navigate through the Golf Industry.
Exclusivity in Product Category Available
For certain categories you can be the only one.
Suggested Programs
- 3,000 Tournament Leads in advance
- 6 Month GTAA Preferred Status
- 6 Months of Tournaments leads sent weekly (1800 additional leads)
- 6 Blast emails (1 per month)
- 1 Webinar about your company
- Social Media and Editorial Coverage
- Video and Website Link
- GTAA Logo and Planning Guide Use
- Money Back Guarantee
- Investment $5000 (1x)
- Product/ Service Category Exclusivity
- GTAA Preferred Vendor Status
- Tournament Leads 50 to 70 sent to you weekly
- 100 additional Golf Tournament Consultants
- 1 Blast email to GTAA Members monthly
- 1 Webinar about your company
- Ad tile Link on Website 2” x 2”
- Social Media Campaign
- Video link to GTAA website
- Blast email to Golf Sales Reps Monthly
- Listed on NGSA website
- Click through emails
- Press Release to Golf Media
- 3 Month minimum
- Money Back Guarantee with 6-month program
- Investment $660 per month
- GTAA Preferred Vendor Status
- Tournament Leads 50 to 70 weekly
- List of 100 additional Golf Tournament Consultants
- 1 Blast email to GTAA Members monthly 25,000
- 1 Webinar about your company
- Ad tile Link on Website 2” x 2”
- Video link on website
- Blast email to Golf Sales Reps
- Listed on NGSA website
- Click through emails
- Press Release to Golf Media
- 3 Month minimum
- Money Back Guarantee with 6-month program
- Investment $425 per month
- GTAA Preferred Vendor Status
- 300 Tournament Leads Monthly
- Listed on GTAA website
- Blast email to 25000 Tournament Planners (inclusive)
- 3 Month Minimum
- Investment $275 per month
- Listed on GTAA Website
- 300 Tournament leads per month with contact information
- Investment $195 per month
- Must be with the GTAA for 6 Months
- Must follow up with all tournament
- leads via email monthly
- Must follow up with all tournament leads by phone
- Must send GTAA Consultants Special Pricing and follow up with them monthly
- Must submit a sales report with comments from all tournament leads
Become A Preferred Service Provider
Fill out the form to become a Preferred Service Provider